Support For


“Without confidence and love, there can be no true education. If you want to be loved…you must love yourselves, and make your children feel that you love them.”

– St. John Bosco




Use the links below to access the online programs St. Philomena uses to facilitate home/school communication.


Gradelink provides parents access to school information, classroom updates and students’ grades.


FACTS Management facilitates tuition payments and other financial transactions.

Lunch Program

Order hot lunch for TK-8th grade students through LJ Caterings.

Accelerated Reader (AR)

Accelerated Reader motivates students to develop their reading abilties.


Mathletics provides and engage way for students to strengthen their math proficency.


RazKids allows students to access thousands of online books at their reading levels.

“Do not put off till tomorrow the good you can do today. You may not have a tomorrow.”

– St. John Bosco


School Calendar


“Avail yourselves of the opportunities that are presented to you regarding the young (students) there. Try to help them, to attract them, to invite them, and after praying with them, speak to them with prudence and gentleness trying to win their hearts so that you’ll be able to present those hearts to God.”

– Mother Luisita, O.C.D.



Parent Involvement

Access the resourses below by logging into Gradelink.


Home-School Communication

Frequent and clear communication with parents is essential. Education works best when parents and school are working together in a partnership.  This collaboration greatly benefits our students. 

Parent bulletins are posted on the website and reminders are sent through the parents’ email. Individual teachers also communicate with their students’ parents through phone calls, emails and letters home. 

The Parent / Teacher Organization officers and Room Parents also help keep parents informed about school events. These parents are also an additional resource to help answer questions. Our parents work together and support one another.

Parent Volunteer Hours

Each family is required to complete 25 hours of service. Our parents plan and provide several events for the students. Having the parents involved in the school helps keep the cost of tuition down. Even more importantly, however, studies show that when parents are active in the school, children have a higher success rate. The students are always excited to see their parents helping at school.

Some of the ways parents help are: supervising lunch recess, chaperoning field trips, working the Father/Daughter Dance, manning a game booth at the All Saints Day Celebration, serving as a Room Parent, coaching an athletic team, etc.

Extended Care

Supervision is provided before and after school for families in need of this service. Extended Care in the morning is from 6:15 -7:30 and in the afternoon from after school until 6:00p.m. Students are given time to work on homework, play outside and visit with friends. Parents may sign up to utilize this service on a monthly basis or pay the drop-in fee for occasional use.

Parent / Student Handbook

This handbook has more detailed information about St. Philomena School. It may be viewed on the School News page on Gradelink  or a hard copy may be picked up in the office. Parents and students are responsible for knowing and following all the procedures and policies published in the Parent/Student Handbook.

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